
Welcome to the Website of the Minneapolis College Choir

This site is both for people who are interested in finding out more about our choir, as well as for current choir members. On this site you will find everything from our choir calendar to pages with tools to help you practice your music. Feel free to browse the site by using the navigation bar toward the top of the page.

For the most current information about joining the choir, please view our Choir Welcome Package.

When you sing with the choir at Minneapolis College, you are not just coming to a class – you are part of a community. Want proof?

Researchers recently studied how singing together impacted heart rate. What they found was that when people sang together in unison, their pulse rates quickly synchronized – in other words, their hearts began beating together guided by the tempo of the music. It is hard to think of an activity that is more communal. (For more information on this study, click here.)

So, welcome to our website, and to the Minneapolis College Choir.